Putting the fun back into fundamental learning
Recent changes in the Common Inspection Framework have seen inspectors looking at how much the learners are enjoying the learning experience, a change which some staff have found very challenging. This session will look at different ways that simple technologies can be integrated into everyday teaching and learning in a way that makes the learning more active, engaging and fun, without reducing the academic rigour of the subject. The session will focus not just on the specific technologies being used, but the ideology and pedagogic value behind their integration and how these ideas can be adapted to different subject areas and teaching situations. The session will be a mixture of demonstration and hands on activity, giving attendees a chance to try some of the ideas being demonstrated, and to leave with a resource relevant to their area of work. All ideas shown are either free or very low cost and require only basic IT skills from the tutor wishing to use them.
This session is proving to be very popular and can be run for any time duration between 1 hour and half a day
Ideas that will be covered in the session will include:
- Using ‘game’ and activity templates in education.
- Creating a quick fire PowerPoint (Pecha Kucha).
- Using comic strips.
- Creating an instructional video.
- Using screencasting to explain a concept / revise.
- Using a phone to create audio files.
- Using QR codes for explorative learning.
- Using technology to create paper based games.
- Making PowerPoint active not passive.
Session details
- Sectors: Secondary, FE, HE.
- Session Duration: Short, Half day or Full day.
- Target audience: Teaching, Senior managers, Learning Technologists.